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Since 2018



Cisco — Volunteering Weeks


Twice a year, Cisco organise what they call ‘Giving Back Week’: firstly, during Volunteering Week in April and then, at the end of November, in the run-up to International Volunteering Day on 5 December.  

Collaborators are offered during these weeks the opportunity to take a working day to support an association. For example:
– Renovation work: repairing equipment, repainting walls, building community gardens, etc.
– Environmental activities: cleaning beaches, parks, rivers, planting trees, etc.
– Social support: visiting the elderly, helping the homeless, etc.


We support Cisco:
Structuring the campaign and its objectives
Selecting a diversity of activities / NPOs everywhere in Belgium (among our +2,500 network of NPOs)
Recruiting — using our personalised platform
– Carrying out the activity
Measuring the impact at the end of the week

Project Impact

Each week, on average, 160 collaborators give their support to 16 not-for-profit organisations all around Belgium.

Contact Us

We Can Help

We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63