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We see ourselves as curators. That’s why we hang out in the innovation space to select the best tools and methodology to support your needs and objectives. Explore our rich resources blending Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Golden Circle. Dive into free tools and canvases, embracing diversity in projects.

4D Methodology

Inspired by the Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Golden Circle approaches, this unique simplified methodology is based on a 4-step process where each outcome highlights one of the criteria.


Drawing inspiration from Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and the Golden Circle approaches, we have crafted an innovative and distinctive methodology. This unique simplified approach ensures that each outcome emphasises a specific criterion, allowing for a comprehensive and focused solution.
By integrating the principles of Design Thinking, we foster a human-centred perspective, encouraging empathy and understanding of user needs. The Lean Startup methodology brings a pragmatic and iterative mindset, promoting rapid prototyping and experimentation to validate assumptions and reduce risk. Inspired by the Golden Circle, our methodology emphasises the “why” behind each step, fostering a clear purpose and aligning actions with a compelling vision.

1: Discover

The objective of this first phase is to get aligned with your teammates and get a deep understanding of the problem before starting to generate any idea of potential solution.
The Discovery phase will end with a clear understanding of the sustainable challenge and potential impact.

2: Design

Now that you are all aligned on the root problem you want to tackle, it’s time to unlock your creativity and come up with most innovative ideas to solve that problem.
The output of the Design phase will be your value proposition.

3: Define

At this stage of the process, you should now have between your hands one promising idea you would like to develop. Before jumping into action, it is uttermost important to get aligned with your teammates.
After the Definition phase, you need to end up with an economic model.

4: Develop

The objective of this phase is to make your solution tangible and test its traction on your targeted end-users. To do so, you first need to identify if you will develop a digital, a physical or an experience prototype.
The Development phase should generate a first prototype of your solution.

Tools and Canvas

Because any project doesn’t look the same, and we believe in the power of sharing, and that’s why our tools, toolkits and canvas are and always will be free.


Sustainable Innovation Toolkit
Many companies want to adopt entrepreneurial methodologies and techniques. To simplify your learning journey, we have consolidated the best tools and proven techniques to create an easily accessible toolkit that embraces societal priorities as well as the fundamentals of innovation. The objective of this toolkit is to help future changemakers build the most innovative and sustainable solution to address social and environmental problems.


Innovation Program Canvas
At Impact Valley, we don’t want to reinvent the wheel and so we continue to use the most effective canvases. However, we have also created two new canvases that takes societal challenges into account. This canvas has been created to help our clients in the design of their own innovation program, as well as the sales pitch that they will present to decision-makers or external stakeholders.


Remote Facilitation Toolkit
In the current era of digital advancements, more and more events happen online. It is, therefore, crucial to distinct the differences and introduce new practices. The objective of this toolkit is to help corporate entrepreneurs to create, facilitate and organise their own remote workshops.


Impact Model Canvas
By the end of each phase, by using the different tools, you will be able to complete a final “canvas” and overview of the idea, project or innovation. This canvas has been created to support the efficient development of a solution that will potentially generate a business impact and create societal value.


Playrole Cards
Many companies implementing innovation programmes request support from external facilitators, but there is also a significant amount of effort required in terms of programme management, as well as the preparation and coordination of events and the follow-up afterwards. To clarify the roles and responsibilities, we have designed playing cards that you can use for free.

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We Can Help

We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63