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A 2.5h workshop to activate talents for Multipharma’s transition​.


Multipharma is building its CSR strategy. In this context, they are reflecting on how to onboard and raise awareness of social, environmental, and societal issues among their employees. We organised a 2.5h workshop with one department to start this awareness journey.

We first proposed participants to discover the ESG (environmental, social and; governance) challenges and what is at stake. We then grouped them to share the talents and specific skills (hard or soft) each of them has. And we closed by offering them a tool to match their talent with their inclination towards a particular ESG cause/challenge and how to do it within their job at Multipharma.

Collaborators emerged from the workshop more aware and willing to contribute to their company’s transition.

This workshop was energising and motivating. They are now asking for a follow-up from the top management: how do we start this transition of Multipharma?​

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We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63