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Web Design

Wiktoria Drezner

Wiktoria Drezner

Web Design


Website Presentation for the Team and IV Network (2023)
Website Presentation for Vogelzang's Team (2023)
At the time of her internship at Impact Valley, Wiktoria was the 2nd year student of Graphic Design and Web Development at Jönköping University in Sweden. Wiktoria joined us for the period of 3.5 months as a web designer.

Why Impact Valley

Personally, since the very first encounter with Impact Valley I had an inner feeling that they are the one company that I would like to work for, their energy was really unique.

I learned about IV via LinkedIn, and even though I live in Sweden on everyday basis, I happened to come across them. I recall their internship advertisement being beautifully written and that intrigued me a lot to the point that I applied!

Onboarding and Welcoming

Contradictory to many IV’s past interns, I did not speak French and I was quite anxious that this might create a distance between me and the team. I could not have been wrong — everyone at the office were happy to translate and use English around me so I felt included. They are really inclusive people and they want you to feel comfortable. Whenever you need help, they are there to help you.

Projects and Activities

The majority of my work for Impact Valley is very tangible, and when you’re reading this website in 2023, it’s highly likely that you’re seeing my designs and my ideas. The core goal of my internship was to redesign IV website and improve its visual consistency.

Over the course of my internship, I also worked for the IKEA’s project “Welcome Home” and delivered the website for Vogelzang. I helped out with communication activities and social media, but at the end, web design was my main task.

Key Takeaways

If you are in the right place with right people around you, you are going to thrive. And that is exactly what has happened at Impact Valley. There was not a single day when I came to work sad or stressed, and everyday I did exactly what I do best and like the most: web design.

From the professional angle, I got to know a completely new web development environment that I did not work with before. I also continued working for Impact Valley after the internship, as a freelance web developer. They helped me a lot in gaining confidence about my skills and taking more ownership and pride of my work.

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Phone: +32 478 45 23 63