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Co-creation workshops between social partners for innovative solutions for employment in the Brussels region.


As part of the overhaul of its Partnership department, Actiris has considered an innovative way of designing calls for projects, and for partners to respond to them (collectively).​

Actiris has thus designed an innovative format:

First a hackathon to bring out issues (for example: How could we rethink the format of Job Days) and solutions to these issues. During this hackathon, dozens of partners from all calls for projects and municipalities from Brussels as well as Actiris employees were present.

Then, a Solutions Market where all the problems and co-created solutions were taken up. The partners were able to set up collectives and position themselves on the solutions they thought they could deploy.​

We intervened to support Actiris in the design of the overall methodology, and for the facilitation of the hackathon (Master of ceremonies, Flying Facilitation, Facilitation in pairs with partnership managers in the sub-groups).

Project Impact

Around ten partnership managers were trained on facilitation tools and techniques to run the hackathon and the solutions market.

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We Can Help

We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63