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24 hours to solve a Health Challenge and raise awareness on entrepreneurship, and innovation methodologies.


Every year, the network Circle U organises a Hackathon for its students coming from 6 countries in Europe (Norway, Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, and Serbia) and from different type of studies (engineering, business, and health).

For the Hackathon, we design the methodology, prepare the facilitation, and overview the organisation (logistic, recruitment). We provide a training on transfer the design to the professors that will be students’ team facilitators. And during, we overview the Hackathon as master’s of ceremony and flying coaches to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Project Impact

At the end of the Hackathon, the students understand the power of cross-sectorial and European collaboration, deliver pitches to a panel of professors to offer their fresh point of view on the challenge they had to solve, and are empowered.

We use real challenges (like “Burnout in Hospitals”), and experts and patients from everywhere in Europe are available during the Hackathon to feed the students.

Contact Us

We Can Help

We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63