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Since 2018



Cisco — Volunteering Weeks

The Mindset

We insist that the mindset of these activities is:

❤️‍🔥 Positive Concrete Impact: It’s not about performance. It is about being useful. Participants define the output and collaborate to complete the pro bono assignment within the defined period.

😎 Positive Online Team Spirit: We take the time to connect together in goodwill. Participants agree to adopt a benevolent attitude towards other volunteers and NPO representatives.

🌏 Open-mindedness: Volunteering is not a top-down process. We gather to learn from each other.


Every year, Cisco organise in collaboration with us a Giving Back Week. In 2021, among tens of propositions of on-site activities, we proposed a virtual activity for people that prefer volunteering with their brainpower and/or from their homes.

During 1 day, supported by facilitators, collaborators provided their expertise and time on the specific development challenges of Foodarity:
1. How might we improve Foodarity visibility & legitimacy?
2. How might we target new types of beneficiaries?


We designed and facilitated a one-day co-creation workshop following the 4D methodology. Focusing on Discover (exploring the problem and offering, a fresh point of view) and Design (proposing innovative ideas).

Project Impact

1. Get new ideas and new perspectives on a challenge well-known.
2. Get an opportunity to be visible and get in touch with a company.
3. Raise awareness!

1. Feeling of being useful by taking the time to give back to local communities.
2. Get challenged by new ways of brainstorming and collaborating.
3. Learn from NPO’s internal organisation, business model, actions & how to ideate with constraints.

Contact Us

We Can Help

We would be pleased to exchange with you on your Sustainability Challenges. Where are you at? Where do you want to be? What could be your next steps? Let’s have a chat!

Phone: +32 478 45 23 63