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Martin Germeau & Emilie Tasté

Martin Germeau & Emilie Tasté



Superheroes: Martin Germeau (2019)

Why do you like to collaborate with the team?

Martin: For many reasons: the brainstorming sessions, the fact that they practice what they preach, the focus on quality and the value creation. Also, being part of this team has opened my eyes to the numerous opportunities that exist all around us.

Emilie: I highly value the talent and diversity within Impact Valley: the support staff, coordinators, communication managers, superheroes, etc. The shared values within the team and the common thread of generosity, supportiveness, open-mindedness, ambition and boldness to name but a few, make working at Impact Valley feel like home.

What does it mean to you to be a superhero?

Emilie: It means being part of an inspiring community. It is also a mark of distinction and a quality label; I am proud to say that I am an Impact Valley superhero.

Why did you join the Impact Valley network?

Martin Germeau: I was looking to join an active entrepreneurial network through which I could offer my facilitation skill while still having a positive impact. From the very beginning, I was impressed by Impact Valley’s professional yet friendly work environment. I greatly appreciate their continued desire to positively influence society by innovatively building bridges between different sectors.

Emilie Tasté: After a few discussions with the Impact Valley’s founders, I realised that we share common values and that we are all committed to positively impacting the Belgian society. I was also impressed by, and in total agreement with, their chosen tool, i.e. systematically hosting and facilitating innovation programs. I have always been passionate about facilitation and collective intelligence. The hackathons I facilitated were therefore a meaningful way for me to contribute to society while building on my strengths.

What have you gained?

Martin: Facilitating a group is like going on an adventure, you never know what is going to happen. Collaborating with Impact Valley as a facilitator offers me a support platform where I can share the successes and challenges I face on this adventure.

Emilie: Not only have I been able to expand my network and build on my assets, I have also had the chance to be part of an amazing team of smart, fun and driven people who over time have become dependable friends.

Why do you like to collaborate with the team?

Martin: For many reasons: the brainstorming sessions, the fact that they practice what they preach, the focus on quality and the value creation. Also, being part of this team has opened my eyes to the numerous opportunities that exist all around us.

Emilie: I highly value the talent and diversity within Impact Valley: the support staff, coordinators, communication managers, superheroes, etc. The shared values within the team and the common thread of generosity, supportiveness, open-mindedness, ambition and boldness to name but a few, make working at Impact Valley feel like home.

What does it mean to you to be a superhero?

Emilie: It means being part of an inspiring community. It is also a mark of distinction and a quality label; I am proud to say that I am an Impact Valley superhero.

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